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Arctur - high performance computing, cloud computing, mobile and web design, 4PM
Opis strani
Arctur offers advanced solutions in the fields of cloud computing, high performance computing, project management, web and mobile systems, data warehousing solutions.
Lastnik domene
ARCTUR d.o.o.[Prikaži vse domene v lasti lastnika ARCTUR d.o.o.]
Ključne besede
Arctur, Tomi Ilijas, web, ADS, GIDS, PVD, web CV, e-mail, SMS applications, DNS administrator, Lotus notes solutions, internet, pages, research, development, webuniverse, hosting, domain, domain registration, server, servers, php, mysql, Javascript, HTML, XHTML, systems, aplication, aplications, integration, integrations, solutions, web appearance, design, graphic design, design studio, graphics, programming, programmer, university, community, e-construction site, e-clinic, e-archeology, e-participation, AMPHORAE, EU projects, crossborder cooperaton, cross border cooperation, portal, web page, web page production, consulting, user support, arctur, 4PM, HPC, high performance computing, HTC, high throughput computing, C-HPC, cloud high performance computing, datacenter, data center, supercomputer, super computer, TFlops, rendering, remote rendering, renderfarm, render farm, cloud rendering, GPU rendering, computer graphics, computer animation, CGI, FP7, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, HuaaS, XaaS, infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, software as a service, human as a service, cloud, cloud computing, paralelization, optimization, virtual server, virtualization, simulation, numerical simulation, modeling, numerical modeling, numerical analysis, statistics, advanced statistics, Open MPI, Open MP, 3ds Max, Maya, Blender, Rhino, Luxrender, Matlab, Mathematica, Octave, nu.sim.o, NU.SIM.O, scalable adaptive computing, scientific computing, remote access, cpu, cpu hour, core hour, module, rental, Infiniband, iDataPlex, IBM, HP, International Business Machines, Hewlett-Packard, open source, linux, CentOS, Intel Xeon, Cuda, petaByte, CRM, Hepldesk, 1008, core, node, 84, head node, compute node, Lustre, QDR, Python, C, C++, Fortran, Chapel, Java, X10, NAFEMS, Torque, Maui, grid, grid computing, network rendering, cluster, rendering service, servizio SMS, amministratore DNS, soluzioni Lotus notes, ricerche, sviluppo, dominio, registrazione dominio, sistemi, applicazioni, integrazione, soluzioni, web aspetto, progettazione, progettazione grafica, grafica, programmazione, universita, e-clinica, e-acheologia, e- patecipazione, proggeti EU, sito web, produzione sito web, consulenza, supporto utenti, supercalcolo, parallelizzazione, ottimizzazione, server virtuale, virtualizzazione, simulazione, simulazione numerica, modellazione, modellazione numerica, analisi numerica, statisticha avanzata, calcolo scientifico, core ora, accesso remoto, nolegio, nodo, nodo principale, nodo di calcolo, supercalcolo, Netz, ADS, Inserat, Spot, Anzeige, Verfahren, Physikalische Phasenabscheidungen, Resume, Lebenslauf, Bewerbung, Nachricht, SMS-Anwendungen, Simsen, Lotus Notes Lösungen, Reise, Urlaub, Ferien Anwendung, Seiten-, Forschungs-und Entwicklung-, Domain-Registrierung, Systeme, Anwendungen, Applikationen, Integration, Integrationen, Lösungen, Web-Auftritt, Design, Grafik- Design, Design-Studio, Grafik, Programmierung, Programmierer, Universitäten, Community, E-Konstruktion Seiten, Ort, Orte, e-Klinik, e-Archäologie, E-Teilnehmer, Beteiligung, Mitwirkung, Mitarbeit, Maßeinheiten, Einheitensystem, Maßsystem, EU-Projekte, Projekten grenzüberschreitende Kooperationen, grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit, Portal, Portale, Web-Seite, Web-Seiten-Produktion, Beratung, Beratungen, Berater, Benutzer, Kundenservice Arctur, Darbietung, Hochleistung, Leistungen, Rechnen, HTC, Multimedia, Merkmal, Verarbeitungsmenge, Datenrate, Wolke, Rechenzentrum, Rechencenter, TFlops, Rendering, Darstellen, Aufstellen, Leisten, Übertragen, Fern, Abgelegen Entlegen, Wolken- Rendering, GPU-Rendering, Computergrafik, Cloud Computing, parallelisation, Parallelisieren, Parallelisierung, Optimierung, virtuelle Server, Virtualisierung, numerische Simulation, Modellierung, numerische Modellierung, Numerik, Statistik, erweiterte Statistiken, visuelle Effekte,
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