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PAT tel d.o.o.[Prikaži vse domene v lasti lastnika PAT tel d.o.o.]
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0.37 od 10Naslovi v uporabi
PAT tel d.o.o. Wide range of telecommunication products | About us PAT tel d.o.o. | Contacts PAT tel d.o.o. | | Angled Holders Pincer PAT tel d.o.o. | testt PAT tel d.o.o. | DUMMY PLUGS PAT tel d.o.o. | Fiber to the Home FTTH PAT tel d.o.o. | Patch Panels PAT tel d.o.o. | Fodis Pro PAT tel d.o.o. |Iz vsebine
The company is oriented to the field of telecommunications. We offer Patch Panels, Fibers to the home, antenna, fodis products and others accessories... The company PAT tel d.o.o. was established in 1999. The company has its headquarters in Slovenia, Ljubljana, Pot heroja Trtnika 16. The owners of the company are three partners, each with more than twenty years of experience in the field of optical communications. Marjan PeÄnik. Development Manager. Email: [email protected] Phone: +386 1 563 75 19 Fax: +386 1 563 75 20 Mobile: +386 41 71 87 79 Field of Application Designed for filling the cutouts on the places where you don’t have angled adapters. Features: – Easy instalation on front plate, fixing without screws Product Name: Description: Download Catalogue: Angled holders STANDARD (SC, FC, ST) Designed for PP-Front Plates where you need Optical adapters angled exit, angle app. 42° to Front plate.IP naslov strežnika zapisi
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