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Home Strojplast | Domov Strojplast | Company Strojplast | Video gallery Strojplast | INDUSTRIAL OVENS Archives Strojplast | Industrial sealers Strojplast | AirLess Plus Strojplast | Automatic hot jaw sealer SVL-350-A Strojplast | O podjetju Strojplast | Stroji po naročilu Strojplast |

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Tailor made solutions. When custom made equipment is required we propose solutions to better meet specific demands. We build custom size machines, product handling devices, palletizing solutions and integrate our machinery into production lines. Ves čas iščemo nove rešitve, ki bi pripomogle k uspešnosti naših kupcev. Predani smo gradnji dolgoročnih partnerskih odnosov. Resnično zadovoljni smo takrat, kadar nam uspe preseči pričakovanja strank. Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/c5strojp/public_html/wp-content/themes/strojplast/company.php on line 37. Automatic bag making machine. Industrial ovens. Contact us Spiral conveyor oven (two towers) Spiral conveyor ovens save up to 50% of floor space compared to standard continuous ovens. Special feature of this oven is endless chain belt which enables products to stay on exactly the same spot during whole treatment. If you want to do some more research see also packaged products that are packed with: Sleeve wrapping technology L-sealing technology Continuous sealing technology AirLess Plus line is equipped with a feeding roller table which facilitates transport of the bundle into shrink tunnel. It is convenient for packaging heavier products products: parquet, wooden products, boxes etc. This sealing device detects inserted bag and performs seal automatically so operator’s foot is no longer challenged. Automatic sealing activation and time controlled sealing process adapt this model perfectly to operator’s rhythm of work and secure perfect seal. Sealer is ideal also for sitting work places. Conical opening allows easy inserting of the bag from […] Kadar s standardnimi stroji ni možno optimalno zadovoljiti zahtev, prisluhnemo naročnikom in ponudimo prilagojene rešitve. Običajno to pomeni izgradnjo strojev izven standardnih dimenzij, izdelavo manipulativnih sistemov za izdelke in integracijo strojev v proizvodna postrojenja.

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